Website brief

This resource is no longer used by ActionSkills and is left for information purposes only

This resource is quite old (still under our old brand Dvize)

Ask the right questions

This is the document we use to ask questions of our clients to allow us to put together an effective brief. From this we can then create a quote, recommendations and strategy.

This is an interactive PDF, designed for a paperless workflow.

We recommend that you put a cover page at the front and rear of the document that contains your company branding and also the instructions for your client.

Free download


website brief

Adding cover pages

  1. Open in Acrobat Pro
  2. Acrobat will prompt you to make a copy.
  3. Open this copy and from the top menu click “Document > Insert pages”
  4. From the top menu click “Advanced > Extend Features in Adobe reader”
  5. Save document (Acrobat will prompt you to make a copy)
  6. Test in Adobe Reader

Making major changes

  1. Make the changes using the Indesign working file.
  2. Export PDF from Indesign
  3. Open in Acrobat Pro and from the top menu click “Forms > Start Form Wizard”
  4. “Select all”, right click (on one of the boxes) and choose “properties”
  5. Click on “Appearance” and set the font size. This allows the text boxes to scroll and create a consistant font size. By default, the text shrinks.
  6. Select all the check boxes, right click (on one of the boxes) and choose “properties”
  7. Click on “Options” and choose “check”
  8. Save the PDF. Open in Acrobat reader and test all the fields.
  9. Back in Acrobat Pro “Close Form Editing”
  10. From the top menu click “Advanced > Extend Features in Adobe reader”
  11. Save (another copy) and test

Search engine fluff

  • sample brief
  • free sample brief
  • website brief
  • free website brief
  • brief for a website
  • website creative brief
  • website design brief
  • website brief template

Website Briefing Document

This document was created to help you to ask the right questions when preparing to start a new website or online project.

We then use these answers to assist us to supply a better service for your needs and better results for your website.

Please complete the information that is relevant to your situation.


  1. This document is designed for a paperless workflow
  2. Open in Acrobat Reader and click to type in the appropriate boxes
  3. Save the document and email it back to us
  4. Acrobat reader can be downloaded for free at:

Other materials

Please send us a copy of any relevant documents and promotional materials you may have.


Date sent to Client:

Date returned by Client:

Project Deadline:

Client Liason Contact Details


Work Number:


Email Address:

Client Details


Work Phone:

Web Address:

Postal Address:

Budget & Timing:

What is the estimated setup budget?

What is the required completion date?


Who will be involved in decisions regarding the website?

Existing suppliers or partners we will need to work with?


Are their any legal issues we need to consider?

Do you own the rights to all materials to be included on the website?

Project Outline

Is the website for your organisation or a specific product, event, service or offer. Outline what this is. (elevator pitch)?

Why do you need a new website?

What does your website need to achieve: traffic, sales, response rates, leads generated, reputation?

Target Audience – Who is the website aimed at?

Why is your organisation, product, event or service better than your competitors?

Do you have a SWOT or similar analysis framework? (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)

Website management

What tasks do you estimate are required to update and promote your website?

Who will be updating and promoting your website?

What level of computer and internet skills do they have?

What is the estimated weekly budget of hours to update and promote the site?

Website architecture

Do you have a site map?

Estimated number of sections?

Estimated number of pages?

What features would you like on your website?

  • Easy to update by non technical people
  • High google (and other searches) ranking
  • Business process streamlining or automation
  • Shopping cart or other ecommerce
  • Optimisation for mobie phones
  • Photo and media galleries
  • Feedback/contact forms
  • Newsletters and signup
  • Members only section
  • Faster downloads
  • Email marketing
  • Statistics
  • Animation
  • Film/Audio
  • Calendar
  • Surveys
  • Blog

Other required features?

Search engines (google etc)

Top five search terms (words or short phrases) that people will use to find your website?

Additional relevant search terms?

Social Media and external services

Do you have a social media strategy?

Please list the website addresses of the social media and other external websites linked to this project (eg facebook, twitter, youtube, ebay)?

Are you planning on integrating further social media and other external websites/services? Please list them.

Do you need your new social media profiles setup?

Website design and style

Describe the style for your new website look and design

  • Approachable High-tech
  • Corporate Modern
  • Authoritative Natural/Organic
  • Credible/Expert Playful
  • Elegant Sophisticated
  • Fresh Helpful
  • Funky Caring
  • Stylish Humble
  • Helpful Prestigious
  • Simple/Clean
  • Other words?

Do you have a style guide or other corporate requirements?

Do you have any imagery or colours in mind for your website?


Do you require accessibility compliance such as WCAG 2?

Will the website be viewed on any special screen size or device?


What types of content will be on your website – eg text, photos, audio, and their current format – eg digitised, hard copy?

What content has currently been produced?

What new content needs to be produced?

Do you need assistance producing the new content?

Do you have any other related materials such as marketing?

Your Current Website

What is good about your existing web site?

What is bad about your existing web site?

What levels of traffic is it currently receiving? If possible please provide access codes to your statistics package.

How is your website performing for your objective?
(Traffic/ Sales / Response rates/ Leads generated/ Reputation):

Who is your current host and hosting package?

Are you happy with your hosting service?

Competition and Genre

List your competitors websites and other important websites in your market/genre?

What are they doing well?

What are they doing badly?

Websites you like

Provide examples of websites (or parts of websites) you like the design and functionality(from any industry):

Other Comments?

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