During an action or event, this role manages photos from the on site photographers, processes the images and uploads them so they are accessible for the media and social media
Credit: Leard Blockade
- Communication with Photographer and Videographer/s
- Take images from media fire
- Save Images to Hard Drive
- Add metadata keywords to images
- Resize and optimise images for web
- Renaming Images
- Upload images to media fire
- Back up all files
Gear Required:
- Computer
- External Hard Drive
- Internet Access
- Access to Media Fire (or similar photo sharing app)
- Phone to communicate with action media team
Programs Used:
- Adobe Bridge
- Adobe Photoshop
- or equvilent software that can resize, crop and optimise photos
Action Process
1. Communication with Action Media Team
The media coordinator should be a communication point between the media team at the action and the camp media team.
- Have contact numbers for all photographers, videographers, AV buddy and media point
- Ensure photographers and videographers at the action are aware of the look and intent of the images required
- Keep in contact to be aware of what is happening at the action and when images will be on Media Fire
- Feedback photographers on image priorities, whether different angles are needed, wider shots, etc
- Ensure the media point person is aware of how to access media fire, have the login and know the correct folder to upload to
2. Take Images From Media Fire
Media Fire is an online platform for uploading and sharing files. Mainstream media can access these files, it is this role’s job to take the raw image files and ready them for media as quickly as possible.
- Images will be uploaded to Media Fire from the action by the media point person
- Create a folder for the days images and video
Eg: 290614-CivilDiscobedience-HallRd - Inside this folder create a folder for ‘Photo’ and a folder for ‘Video’
- Inside the photo and video folders create a folder for each of the photographers and videographers to put their files in
- Create a third folder called ‘For Media’ for the images once they are optimised and resized for media to use
3. Save Images to Hard Drive
Saving the images immediately and correctly ensures that the images are backed up at camp, but also ensures the files are easy to access for anyone in the media team.
- As images begin to upload to media fire save them to the red hard drive
- Create a new folder in Pictures
Eg: 140629-CivilDiscobedience-HallRd
This file structure will ensure the actions will display in chronological order for ease of location in future - Inside this folder create a similar structure to the media fire folders
- 140629-CivilDiscobedience-HallRd > Photo > ‘Folder for each photographer’
> Video > ‘Folder for each videographer’
> For Media - Save the images into their respective folders on the hard drive
4. Add metadata keywords to images
Adding keywords to every image ensures that all our photos are searchable by search engines. It also enables us to be able to search easily for images in future.
- To add these keywords open Adobe Bridge and browse for the images using the left ‘Folders’ panel
- Select all images > Menu Bar > Tools > Append Metadata > FLAC
- Now all the images have had keywords added to them
5. Resize and optimise images for web
At the raw state the images are too large to be uploaded to web. They need to be resized and given a little optimisation.
- Select all images
- Menu Bar > Tools > Photoshop > Batch > Set: BATCH ACTIONS > Action: Resize + Optimize
- Now all the images will be opened in Photoshop, resized, optimised and saved automatically
6. Renaming Images
Renaming images ensures they are easily identified.
- Select all images
- Menu Bar > Tools > Batch Rename
- Rename images
Eg: 140629-01 - Click Rename
7. Upload images to media fire
Now that the images are ready they can be put back onto media fire ready for camp to begin posting to social media and mainstream media are able to access and use our footage.
- Jump back onto media fire and upload the resized and optimised images into the ‘For Media’ folder
- Ensure you are communicating frequently with the rest of the media team at camp as to when the photos are ready on media fire for FLAC to begin posting on social media and so that media is aware there is images and footage ready for use
8. Back up all files
Currently the images are held on media fire and the hard drive, however it is crucial to have a third back up just incase.
- Check back on the files, ensure they are organised and labeled correctly
- Back up to separate hard drive (needs to be set up)
Other things to do…
- Give feedback to photographers/videographers, give constructive criticism and positive feedback
- Pick out ‘winning’ shots that could be used for meme’s, campaign posters, etc
- Check that any camp gear that was lent out is returned and all batteries are charged, cards are formatted, etc.
- Upload images to flickr (need login info)