- projector adapters
- name tags
- pens
- large paper
- snacks
- Circle furniture
- Projector
- whiteboard
- scribe WiFi details
- Origine Respect
- Safer Spaces and Language
- Housekeeping
- Intro to Unite
- Intro me – Self-teaching – why training – Scaling & replicating – my teaching approach today (freestyle/facilitation/phd)
Everyone is a participant
- Yellow belt theory of change
- Help to run more Brisbane training sessions
- Connect and organise
How you can help today
- pitch a session
- scribe
- photos
- tweeting #actionskills, #brisbane (until we replace)
- 5 minute warmups during the event. This could be play, dance or breathing
- time keeper
Group intro
Diving into social media approach (introducing the group)
- Recruit Scribe
- Name
- Twitter Handle or Nickname (if you don’t have twitter)
- One – four words on how you are feeling (#hashtag)
- One – four words naming your campaign or organisation (#hashtag + @handle)
Social Intro
- Murdoch
- Effectiveness of social media – social scaling, strategy, literacy
- Facebook, Twitter, other platforms
- Twitter API and Clients (apps)
- 140 characters
- handle – profile – graphics
- #hashtags
- follow
- followers
- lists
- DM @
- link shorteners
- images
- likes
- retweets
- trends
- broadcast vs dicussion
- multiple accounts
- automation
- apps
Morning Tea
Digital Strategy 101
Planning on how to win a campaign and using digital to support the campaign strategy
Digital a subset of campaign strategy
- Target Audience(s)
- Current Audience and Allies
- Villian(s) processes, strengths and weakpoints
- Campaign Phases/streams
- Time/resources
People – Users
Exercise to form working groups
- 10sec – Pitch 4 working examples / 4 group
- 5-10 minute Lead and group discussion
Defining digital goals
- 5 minute intro, 10 minute task, 5 minute presentation
- Change curve – SimonSinek
Online Platforms
- What platforms do your audience use – Popcorn Platforms
- How do they use them
- sensis
Platform planning
- Integration of online assets and social media – central node
- resources – skills/tools/budget
- Integration of offline and other media
- automation
Exploring mobiles, tablets and alternative devices
Data and improvement Planning
- metrics – analytics
- tools – crm – xls – mailing list
Service design
- Intro Service design and pathways
- Character personas
- User journey / pathways – design for your audience
Digital Marketing
How to increase reach and grow your campaign using digital
Benefits, not Features
- ask marketing examples
Digital marketing approaches
- social media
- search / google adwords
- content /curators/nodes
- partners
- community contribution
- freemium
- 10 minute intro,10 minute task (how can you contribute to community or freemium), 5 minute presentation
Introduction to A/B testing
Content marketing
- Introduction to content planning and management
- sourcing – syndication
Defining ongoing roles and tasks.
- Budgeting for ongoing running of your website/social
- 5 minute intro, 10 minute task, 5 minute presentation
Network mapping
- understand your community and space –
- influencers
- communities
- allies/platforms/offline
- Targets
- Personal and my Community
- public / hidden
- 10 minute intro, 10 minute task (define champions role), 5 minute presentation
Building online community
- culture
- seeding
- community manger
- empowering brand advocates
Afternoon Tea
Strategic Communications and Branding
- propaganda
- public relations – adverting – based on psychological manipulation)
- Strategic Communications
- talk to your audience
Brand personality
- what is a brand
- elements/attributes
- developing a brand personality
- assigning attributes
- social status and personal identity- tshirt exercise
Story telling and the drama triangle
- 10 minute intro, 10 minute task, 5 minute presentation
- Conflict Drama: Victim, Villain or Hero?