Safer Spaces Policy

This example policy is from the Leard Blockade
Camp Wando is a safer space. Everyone is welcome (Except cops), but there is no place here for sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, classism or discrimination based on nationality, gender identity, religious affiliations, (or lack there of), or any other forms of oppression. Participants are asked to remember that their actions can affect others, regardless of their intentions.  Any form of physical, verbal or sexual harassment/abuse will not be tolerated.
Our policy is to always believe complaints, and take them seriously.  We will first seek a resolution agreeable to all parties, but the right to feel safe from abuse and harassment is the top priority.
If you have any concerns, please contact (add safer spaces liaisons)
Things we all need to do to help create a safer space:

  • Respect people’s physical and emotional boundaries.
  • Always get explicit verbal consent before touching someone or crossing boundaries.
  • Respect people’s opinions, beliefs, and different points of view.
  • Be responsible for your own actions.
  • Be aware of the space you take up, and the positions of privileges you bring.
  • Take responsibility for your own safety and get help if you need it.
  • Look out for children and try not to leave anything around that could endanger them.
  • Be mindful of how children are interacting with each other (ie: bullying dynamics).
  • Remember that Act-Up is a drug and alcohol free event.
  • Be aware that raising your voice or other aggressive body language may be understood as abusive behaviour by others.
  • Respect the person, challenge their behaviour.
  • Avoid assigning tasks along gendered lines, i.e. women taking minutes & cooking, men going scouting and doing construction.
  • Be respectful of the locals, we’ve come into their community.

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