Digital skills training

Learn from the experts with over 24 years experience producing sites for iconic brands, many small businesses and not-for-profits.

We train people from diverse backgrounds and abilities, from beginners through to advanced techies.

Beginners’ welcome! We’re experienced in working with beginners and we will translate all the techno speak into plain English so you can understand us!

Glenn has designed and delivered courses at these leading universities:

How personal online training works

  1. Schedule a quick chat to ask any questions before making a booking 
  2. Send a list of specific tasks and/or goals that you want help with, as well as admin access to your website or tech platform
  3. We run the training session with you and send you the recording
  4. Schedule any follow up sessions you need

Not sure? Lets have a chat to discuss what you need.

In person training and training resources

Contact us to schedule a quick chat to discuss your needs, location, number of people and any other logistics. Glenn is based in Gippsland and regularly works from Melbourne so can likley arrange an in-person session.

An in person training session with the Knitting Nanna’s.

We can teach you

Any of our services

  • User experience design
  • Information design
  • Fundraising
  • Digital organising
  • CRM + databases
  • Automation
  • Digital security


  • Digital strategy
  • Search optimisation
  • Graphic design
  • Branding
  • Social media
  • Messaging
  • Content


  • Basics and advanced
  • Divi + Elegant themes
  • WooCommerce
  • Data capture
  • Mapping
  • Best practice
  • Security
  • Performance


  • ActionNetwork
  • Affinity Designer + Photo 
  • Asana
  • Canva
  • CPanel 
  • Fusion 360
  • Xero
  • Zapier 

WordPress training

We offer Australia’s best WordPress training that is optimised for Non profits and community groups.

Free webinars

If you would like to experience our training approach, here is 32 hours of free quality webinars – Learn how to build websites 

Glenn Todd – Digital coach and trainer

For over 24 years, Glenn has been building successful websites for businesses and community groups.

Glenn is passionate about empowering people to use technology to solve important problems.

With a reputation as a teacher, Glenn is known for simplifying the often very technical aspects of the web so that his clients are empowered to manage their websites independently.

Frequently asked questions


How much does training cost?
  • Not For Profit: $110 p/h
  • Commercial : $150 p/h
  • First Nation: free as part of our pay the rent
  • We are not currently required to charge GST
Can I get a nonprofit discount?

Yes – Please see the first FAQ: “How much does training cost”

How do I pay for training?

After our chat we will send an invoice for you to pay before our training session. If you are ordering over 4 hours, we will send an invoice for 50% deposit.

Payment by bank transfer is free. Credit Card payments attract a small fee to cover costs. We can accept cash for in-person training.

Please let us know if you require alternative terms.

Can we train online?

Yes! Via zoom.

Can we train in person?

Yes. Please schedule a chat with us to discuss the best way we can deliver in person training. We will likley be able to come to your office or home.


Is virtual training as good as in-person training?

Both approaches have their advantages. We are training you to work on a screen, so there is not a lot of benefit to in-person training over virtual. Virtual training also allows us to record the entire session for your future reference.

What should I have ready before my session?

To get the most out of your session, we recommend you sort:

  • access to your website admin area and any related assets
  • a list of tasks you would like to achieve
  • your website goals


Do I need my own computer?

Yes. We want you to be able to continue working on your site after training with us.

Can I bring my friends?

YES! We charge per hour, not per person. The less people in a session, the more we can focus on just your needs and learning style.

How much training do I need?

This depends on what you want to learn, how much you already know and how fast you can learn. Schedule a chat with us and we will can discuss what is realistic  for you

Can I add more hours?

Yes. You can schedule more training sessions at any time. If you are considering extending your training session, please let us know so we don’t book our time straight after your sessions and can be flexible.

Who is suitable for custom training?

Anyone that is fluent enough on computers to use email and a web browser. We adjust the approach and speed of our training depending on your abilities and learning style.

Will we work in my existing website?

Yes – This is our usual approach. We can also supply you with a blank website to work on if you prefer. We can also train you on how to setup a new website yourself.

Will you help me after the training?

Yes. You can book as many training sessions as you would like or you can book us to do the hard stuff for you.

Can I set up my own website?

Yes – We can show you how. We recommend you have your hosting account setup or we can show you how to do this too.

Can you help with my website mess?

Yes. If your website is messy, we recommend that we do an audit of the site before the training so we can understand what will be needed to get it to a professional standard.

Lets get started...

The best way to work out where to start is to book a quick introductory meeting on Zoom, or you can get in touch via email. We can discuss your  needs and how we can help you.