Work we do for the love, not the money.

Social Enterprise

We have been running as a social enterprise since 2000, using profits from our commercial work to fund our pro bono and grassroots activist work. 

projects we have created

ActionSkills, 2014 – current
Supporting the huge growing community movement fighting for a better world by harnessing the skills and resources of professionals, techs, creatives and communicators.

ActionSkills Hosting, 2004 – current
Now under the actionskills brand, i have been supporting groups with hosting and related services.

Activist Digital Training, 2013 – current
Providing free places to my commercial training as well as providing specialist training to activists and community groups.

Encryption Training, 2017 – current
Produced training resources and delivery of training to grassroots groups on using encryption communication and collaboration technologies.

Interactive map of Australian nuclear sites, 2002 – current
Collaboration based on Scott Ludlams work.
Production of an interactive google map displaying nuclear and military sites
Also and

Encrypted remote participation system – 2017
Designed and implemented the tech stack and people systems to allow people to participate in, and support the Stop Adani blockade camp remotely. This included encrypted communication and collaboration systems as well as volunteer management.

Bindarri, 2009 – 2014
The online magazine and directory that promotes the arts and other creative industries that foster positive social and environmental change.

Digital Change Maker Apprenticeships, 2013

PressJam, 2013
Four Not-for-Profits websites built in a day. This project inspired

Garden Project, 2011 (with
An evolution of active creatives where we focus on collaborative production, skill share and capacity building.

Active Creatives v2, 2011 (with
Active Creatives is sort of a workshop where we work on each others projects together.

Climate Redesign, 2010
As part of the State of Design Festival, Climate ReDesign tries an experimental collaborative project to generate ideas for action on climate change.

Design guide for designers who care, 2007
Information and resources for designers wanting to become more socially and environmentally ethical with their work.

Active Creatives, 2007
Workshops to create resources for NGOs and encourage creatives to volunteer their skills.

FutureAustralia, 2000-2004
Australia’s largest community and environment links directory during this time.


IT working groups

Contributing member of the following Information Technology working groups.

Friends of the Earth, Australia, 2006 – current
Australia’s peak grass roots environmental and social advocacy organisation. I have provided strategy, design, templating and training for the organisations  CMS based website and intranet. I also design and implement websites and training for specific campaigns.

Frontline Action on Coal, 2014 – current
Front Line Action on Coal’s #LeardBlockade is the first coal mine blockade camp in Australia. Currently blockading to #StopAdani.

Zero Emissions Byron, 2016 – 2017
The Zero Emissions Byron (ZEB) Project aims to transition the entire Byron Shire region to zero greenhouse gas emissions, within 10 years.

Quit Coal, 2011, 2013,2016
Quit Coal is a Melbourne-based collective that campaigns against the expansion of the coal and unconventional gas industries in Victoria.

#ClosePineGap, 2016
A national gathering of peace makers and anti war activists, themed on closing the U.S. spy and drone base at Pine Gap. Ccoordinator of media collective, website and social media.

Beyond Zero Emissions, 2006 – 2013
A solutions based climate change campaign group.
I provide strategy, design and implementation of the organisations first and second CMS based website as well as general campaign support. I also led the graphic design team that produced the Zero Carbon Australia report and website. |

Collaboratory Melbourne, 2012 – 2013
Providing opportunities for constructive, collaborative conversations between passionate, innovative people from across sectors and from diverse disciplines for creating good.

Doing Something Good/ The Gathering, 2012
We connect people and organisations doing something good, and facilitate opportunities for collaboration through face-to-face events and online platforms.,

The Hub Melbourne, 2010 – 2011
Hub Melbourne provides diverse individuals and organisations with a unique physical space for co-working, meetings and events. We also host learning and collaboration experiences that create value for our members, their projects, and the community.

Australian Greens, Victoria, 2004 – 2007
Australia’s most popular alternative to the two dominant political parties. We provided strategy, design, implementation and training for the organisations first and second CMS based websites to allow distribution of content contribution from staff and volunteers. This allowed for every electorate and every candidate to have their own updatable section on the site.


projects i have worked on

I provide specialised skills such as campaign strategy, design, website implementation, as well as general campaign work for the following groups and projects:

Urannah, 2015 – current
Helping the Descendant Wiri and Birri people to protect the Urannah Station from development:

Reef Defenders, 2015
Protecting the Great Barrier Reef from the Carmichael and Abbot Point coal developments

Climarte, 2013
Harnesses the creative power of the Arts to inform, engage and inspire action on climate change

Transitions Film Festival, 2013. 2014
Showcasing ground-breaking features, shorts and documentaries about the transition to a better world.

Combat Wombat, 2013
An Australian Political hip-hop group from Melbourne who practice what they preach.

WikiLeaks Party, 2013

Accountability Round Table, 2012
The Accountability Round Table is dedicated to improving standards of accountability, probity, transparency and democratic practice in all governments and parliaments in Australia.

Nuke Free Future, 2012
A platform to inform, educate and activate the Australian and International community about the effects of the nuclear industry with strong support from leading Australian musicians.

Tasmanian Activist Training, 2012
4 day training in digital strategy and implementation for various campaign groups

Choose Nuclear Free, 2010
Provides information on some important aspects of the uranium debate − the flawed nuclear safeguards system, and proposals to export Australian uranium to countries that have not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). We supplied strategy, creative direction, design and templating.

Vote Climate, 2010
Assesses the political parties and candidates against the policies needed to deliver a safe climate, even where this is outside business as usual and politics as usual.. We supplied strategy, creative direction, design and templating

3CR Community Radio, 2008
Melbourne’s peak grass roots community radio broadcaster. We provided templating and training for the organisations current CMS based website.

Vote Nuclear Free, 2007
Website designed to influence the 2007 federal election by highlighting the nuclear policies of the main Australian political parties. We supplied strategy, creative direction, interface design and templating. We also managed the supply of illustration, film editing, and flash programming as well as the collection of content.

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, 2007
The highest priority program of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. We supplied strategy, creative direction, information design and templating. We also managed the supply of illustration and content for the website and produced a short film.


more projects i have worked on

  • Swinburne Sustainability Collective, 2013
  • Lizards Revenge (Olympic dam uranium protest), 2012,
  • Eaterprises, 2012,
  • Lock the Gate Gippsland, 2012,
  • Maules Creek, 2012,
  • Occupy Melbourne, 2012,
  • Home Art Project, 2011,
  • Community legal centre for the Goulburn Valley, 2011.
  • Australians for Cambodian Education, 2010.
  • Stop APDSEX, 2009, Australian and Pacific Defence and Security Exhibition.
  • O2 Australia, 2008, Network and promotion of sustainable design.
  • SLF and Sustainability Convergence, 2008, NGO conference linked with the Sustainable Living Festival.
  • System Reload, 2008, International sustainable design conference and exhibition.
  • Palm Sunday Peace Festival, 2007, Anti-nuclear parade and concert held at Sidney Myer Music Bowl.
  • Zero Emissions Network, 2007, Campaign aimed at Australian NGOs to campaign for a zero emissions target for greenhouse gases, based on science rather than politics.
  • My Favourite Travel Photo, 2006, Art auction raising money to build schools in Bangladesh.
  • Melbourne Indymedia, 2005, User generated news and media portal.
  • Nuclear Free Australia, 2003 – 2004, Coalition of various Australian anti-nuclear groups.
  • Close Pine Gap Campaign, 2003, Pine Gap is located near Alice Springs and is the American military’s second most important communications base.
  • Atomic Oz Roadshow, 2002, Travelling theatre educating on nuclear issues.
  • Headquarters, 1999, Youth centre, venue and skateboard park.