Collaborate with your group online with the best online tools for beginners & advanced organisers What do I know about remote collaboration? I work with; and manage many collaborative teams working remotely including campaign groups, creative art groups and...
Your host should provide automated daily, weekly and monthly backups of your site. Additionally we install a backup plugin called Updraft plus to allow you tak emmanuel backups of your WordPress that you can download an sleep safe. We recommend sending these manual...
ActionNetwork Reference ActionNetwork’s CSS snippets for embed customization Using the right Embed Code This setting allows you to over-ride the ActionNetwork CSS using your theme CSS ActionNetwork signup Form As displayed on this page (right or bottom) /* Start...
Tutanota does not give much options for editing their interface. Here is a Chrome (and Brave) extension that allows you to tweek the fonts using CSS. The changes I have made are to reduce font size in the email listing (making it easier to scan email) and to change...
We believe in less is more and aim to reduce the number of plugins we use. This list is the best of the best. Also check out the article on slow wordpress plugins Themes Divi (paid) Plugins used on most of our sites All In One WP Security & Firewall...
Template tags // // Display the terms that are associated with the post (or posttype) for a specific taxonomy (taxonomy-name)<code> <?php the_terms( $post->ID, 'taxonomy-name', '', ', ', '' ); ?> // or <?php...
To create the submenu as in this screenshot: Dashboard > Appearance > menus > Create new menu > add menu items Dashboard > Appearance > widgets > Create new widget area Dashboard > Appearance > widgets > (reload page to load new widget...
The snippet example will replace the bullets from a list with custom Divi icon (love heart). Go to the Divi Icon Code to get the code reference. <!-- HTML --> <ul class="ico love"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li>...
This resource is no longer used by ActionSkills and is left for information purposes only 1. Client emails us via our website contact form Email Response (Autorespond) 2. We connect via Email/phone/zoom discussions Interactive website brief Standard Project...
Hello {Your Name:1} Thanks for getting in touch, let’s get the ball rolling! Before we speak to you over the phone, here are some useful things to know: We charge by the hour. This is particularly good news if you are working on a smaller budget as we can give you...
This resource is no longer used by ActionSkills and is left for information purposes only This resource is quite old (still under our old brand Dvize) Ask the right questions This is the document we use to ask questions of our clients to allow us to put together an...
This resource is no longer used by ActionSkills and is left for information purposes only A brief description of our old website development stages. We are updating these. Every project unique so we may approach your project differently, however here is our...
This resource is no longer used by ActionSkills and is left for information purposes only Hello, We are really looking forward to working with you to develop your new website. I have attached a few documents for you to read/action; Our legal agreement – Can you...
This resource is no longer used by ActionSkills and is left for information purposes only Cover your ass Version 4 – Released October 2020 This is the basic website agreement we use for delivering website services. We encourage our Clients to read and...
How to save money on your project. We are obsessed with efficiencies. Inefficiencies can become the biggest cost to a project. Project efficiency saves you time saves us time, therefor saves you money makes it easier to deal with complexity can teach you new...
This resource is no longer used by ActionSkills and is left for information purposes only We use Asana as it saves PM time and keeps a record of what is being completed or needs to be completed. For more information please see our guide to efficiency. The way we use...
This resource is no longer used by ActionSkills and is left for information purposes only hello We got there. Your new website is live. YAY, WHOO HOO! The crowd cheers. We have moved the website to your new home and also completed these little tasks: Reset the...
This resource is no longer used by ActionSkills and is left for information purposes only Hello Thank you for working with ActionSkills. We really value our relationships and are hoping that you have been happy with our services on your new website. If you have...
This resource is no longer used by ActionSkills and is left for information purposes only WP software updates All software updated on Mondays using: Malware scanner Use an external scanning service such as which uses external...
Subset of DNS Dynamic name serves control th edomain Name records control the parts of the domain Custom email (mx records) Registering email for spam filters Registering with google Redirecting sub-domains
Pre-Prep projector adapters name tags pens large paper snacks Setup Circle furniture Projector whiteboard scribe WiFi details 9:15 Welcome Origine Respect Safer Spaces and Language Housekeeping Intro to Unite Intro me – Self-teaching – why training...
Why plan? Gain the maximum exposure with your resources by planning your media systems. Make it easy for the media to cover your action. Supply free content that is valuable for their business models. When the mainstream media uses the content that you produce, it is...
A documented media plan allows more people to work on the media strategy. More people can also contribute to media as volunteers and find where their skills fit into the plan. Media planners are able to identify gaps in roles that will need to be shared or filled....
We will be amplifying our action and launch by swarming as many people to post and share on social media within a short time period. Keep in contact with us for that time so you can help support and grow our swarm. We are asking for your help by: follow us on Facebook...
Prepare your media systems and gear for your big day Credit: Leard Blockade. Also see the Counteract Media Checklist for Actions Day/Night Before the Action □ Identify media spokesperson – (ideally they should be involved in writing the media release) □ Identify...
During an action or event, this role manages photos from the on site photographers, processes the images and uploads them so they are accessible for the media and social media Credit: Leard Blockade Role: Communication with Photographer and Videographer/s Take images...
Guide to help photographers prepare for an action or event Started by Chelsea, Sam and Rachelle | Leard Blockade Day/Night Before Action Prepare gear camera-set to raw and jpg (or just jpg) lenses (wide, mid-zoom, and telephoto) batteries-charged Memory cards...
Guide to help Videographers prepare for an action or event Started by Joao Dujon Pereira Media agencies rarely run a story longer than 1 1/2 mins for their news feeds, so there for they do not require a lot of footage in order to edit their story. News agencies...
This example is from the Frontline Action on Coal. Voice and Style: Who is FLAC? FLAC is cheeky and a bit of a smart arse, but this comes from a well informed place. FLAC doesn’t peddle lies, but rather relies on fact and science to make the story true. That being...
Notes from Camp Meeting Tabulam. Workshop content by Murray Muzz Drechsler Finding a location Not under trees- dropping limbs and limbs thrown in storms -behind a windbreak to protect from wind and storms- different sized trees but not big eucalypts Gullies are not...
This example policy is from the Leard Blockade Camp Wando is a safer space. Everyone is welcome (Except cops), but there is no place here for sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, classism or discrimination based on nationality, gender identity,...
This Participation Agreement and Safety example is from Reef Defenders Always remember RESPECT COUNTRY, CULTURE & COMMUNITY and always act NON-VIOLENTLY towards others, yourself, creatures & the land. HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THIS BEAUTIFUL, SPECIAL, PLACE. ...
this example is from Random Hacks of Kindness All attendees, sponsors, partners, volunteers and staff at RHok Australia events are required to agree with the following Code of Conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We are expecting...
For more info, view our full guide on Digital Security for Everyone here. 1. Install Signal FREE – Replace your mobile SMS, Voice and video communications. This will secure your comms against state and corporate surveillance using encryption. You will need to...
Security is always changing so do some extra research yourself about recommended tools.The safety of tools can change suddenly if we learn of new exploits or risks with tools. Sometimes great tools get sold to dodgy corporations. Please use these recommendations in...
Many people believe that they are not worth spying on. There are many reasons to protect yourself and your community including: you dont want to be spied on or tracked you support the concept of freedom and the right to protest you are a radical activist who may be...
Sort of yes and mostly no Five Eyes The 5 eyes system dragnets all communications on the internet, in addition to relationships with tech companies to access data via the prism program. This is done by by the top level of state spy agencies. These agencies are not...
Security has many levels and protects you from different levels of spies. It is important to understand, the people more likely to target you are probably the least sophisticated. This means any improvement to your security will go a long way. Also, mass surveillance...
They are looking for a needle in a haystack. Currently most of the hay is easy to search and therefore the needle is easier to find. If every straw is much more difficult and expensive to search, then finding that needle becomes a massive challenge. We call this Herd...
Although they come with risks, digital tools allow us to leverage our actions and communications in unprecedented ways. If we stop using the these tools due to security, we have lost before we have even started. Use the tools wisely. Some risks are involved but...
Some security technologies can be less than convenient. Typing long passcodes into your phone and surfing with slower internet speeds via tor. It is up to you how much you balance security and convenience. Many security approaches and technologies do not impact on...
High end security is very complex and can make using your technology less convenient. The aim of this guide is to implement good security and not perfect security. Security improvement is an ongoing process. Unless you understand the technologies of a technical level,...
Computers have given us powerful tools that also need maintenance and management. Learning the basics of how your computers and phones work, will make you far more savvy in understanding digital security
The Snowden leaks has proven that encryption works and we can protect ourselves from spying. Encryption involves using advanced mathematics to scramble your data, making it impossible to access without your key (password). I will not explore the technical aspects of...
What is encryption? Encrypting is usually a simple matter of turning encryption on via your devices settings. By enabling encryption you make hacking your device either impossible or very difficult and resource intensive. “Standard” password protection...